Sunday, March 11, 2012

We're off to Great Places! Dr. Seuss Week(s)

So I decided that just one week of Dr. Seuss was not enough so we had Seussical fun for two weeks in Room A9. We started off by reading some favorite classics. We recorded our favorite part in our Cat in the Hat hat booklet.
Here are my examples: 
We also did the Lorax on the 2nd in honor of the movie coming out, but I forgot to snap a pic of it!

On Friday we made Oobleck 
We learned that it is a non-neutonium fluid as we studied the state of matter. 
We wrote about our experiment and completed a Venn diagram on solids and liquids.
The Lunchroom served Green eggs and Ham.

Our math tubs revolved around One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, with 
Goldfish graphing, coloring fish patterns, and number words match. 

We ended our Dr. Seuss fun with these fun Thing One and Thing Two cupcakes!
Yes, that is a  Valentine cake mix, but cake mix doesn't go bad and when it's on sale for 60 cents, a teacher's budget smiles! Add a little cotton candy and a sticker : )

Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive that is youer than you!
~Dr. Seuss

~Miss Anderson 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Creamy Chicken Spaghetti

So I was thinking... crock pots are the best!

For Christmas my uncle and aunt gave me a fabulous crock pot; unfortunately I am sad to say that it has only been used twice. However, I am currently in search for more recipes to try out! Here is one I did the other day.

I found the recipe here. (great website with all of the recipes categorized!)

Creamy Chicken Spaghetti

-- Start with chopped up chicken, lightly bake it in olive oil and seasoning.
Then simply layer in your slow cooker.

* soup mixture * chicken * cheese *UNCOOKED spaghetti 
* soup mixture * chicken * more cheese
Cook for 3 hours

I was so hungry I didn't snap a picture of the finished product, but it was yummy!