Sunday, September 15, 2013

New City, New School...It's About Time for a Post!

Well, I'm behind on posting but better late than never. Tomorrow we will be starting week 5 in first grade! My goodness! It flies by doesn't it? Since my last post I have finished up my classroom and taught 5 weeks of school so here is a quick but long wrap up of the last month!.

Welcome to Miss Anderson's Acrobats
Classroom Reveal!
New Additions:
1. Juggling Jobs
2. Math Board and Focus Wall
3. Clownin' Around Board for "All About Me" and 
3 Rings of Writing Board

 1. Words an Elephant would Never Forget and Family "Trees"
2. I LOVE my new door hanger painted by a sweet friend!

1. I found this cute saying online for our outside bulletin board "No LION, this is great work!"
2. Very proud of my circus tent doorway
3. Classroom, libraries, desks ready for Meet the Teacher and our Class Seal of Approval (where we earn our compliments)

 Auburn Football has started and we are currently 3-0! I got to see a great friend at the first game and the sis at this past week.
Week 33 and she's looking gorgeous! I can't wait to start spoiling my sweet niece!

With the craziness of the beginning of school and the start of another graduate school term I've turned to crafting to relieve some stress. 
 of the "10,000 Reasons" is one of my favorite songs so I took the familiar verse of Psalm 103 and made a burlap canvas this past week. 
 Boosterthon (our school fundraiser) is back. 
Here we are having FUN in our FUN shirts!
We had our first birthday last week! Oh how I LOVE birthdays! The lucky boy got the whole first grade to sing to him!!

Hope you all have a great week!