Friday, April 8, 2011

Going to the Chapel

So I was thinking... that it has been way too long since I have blogged, and I have too much to say to wait any longer.  I spent last weekend in Andalusia celebrating an amazing marriage: my best friend/roommate and the love of her life. We spent Friday night practicing walking down the aisle and then headed to dinner to celebrate the couple!
Such great girls! I'm lucky to have them in my life. 
The roommates with Mr. and Mrs. Sanders!

With the rehearsal behind us, my roommates and I headed back to the lake for a relaxing night spent trying out different hairstyles for the next day's festivities.  My roommate took a risk and let me fix her hair the next day (look for the blonde with a bun in the wedding pics). I might have to pick up hairstyling on the side...or maybe not, ha.

Saturday was the big day and we started it off with a bridesmaid brunch. We were swept away that morning on the pontoon boat to a nearby lake house for a very filling and delicious meal.

Back to the lake house we went to roll, curl, and pin and two hours later we emerged ready to head to the church. We were so excited to put on our dresses. They were all brown and we got to chose our style! They all looked beautiful! We spent the next hour snapping pictures and making sure the bride had everything she needed! 4:00 rolled around and we were ready for the ceremony to begin. With tears in my eyes I watched my best friend meet her "one" at the end of the aisle and vow to spend the rest of their lives together! Finally, the announcement of Mr. and Mrs. Sanders was declared and we were off to the park for a night of dancing under the stars. The park was beautiful, full of bright flowers, and the band was fun which made for a memorable night!
The bride and groom during their first dance and me watching on from the left side.
"Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Mark 10:9
The Sanders wedding was the first of my "summer of weddings" and although I miss Mrs. Sanders living upstairs with me, I can not wait to see where God leads their path.


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