Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Peanut Butter/Chocolate Deliciousness

So I was thinking... anytime chocolate and peanut butter are combined you can count me in! My latest creation Chocolate Peanut Butter Parfait, I made for, what else, a wedding shower! This dish seems to never end, so I also took the leftovers to school for a special Monday treat for the teachers. It was a HUGE hit, here's how you do it!

Thanks to Paula Dean for the deliciousness!
 First cut up the bananas.

 Peanut Butter, C. Sugar, and Cream Cheese Mixture. Delicious!
 Start layering: Chocolate pudding, bananas, peanut butter layer, crushed peanut butter cookies.
 Decorate as you may!
Ready to serve!

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