Saturday, November 5, 2011

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Native Americans

As I mentioned last week, we have started our November social studies unit with Native Americans. This past Friday, I told my class that we were going to get to be historians and go back in time to the first Thanksgiving. We were excited! Our adventure began with learning about Native Americans and how they respected nature, used all of the natural resources and were part of a culture group. After reading some great books throughout the week we were ready to become part of the First Grade Tribe. As I mentioned before, my Native American name was Winnataska, after my beloved camp. Well camp friends, guess what I taught my sweet students?
"We are the Red Men"
We began Friday by also talking about how Native Americans earned their feathers in their headdresses. We earned ours by working hard, being respectful, and following directions. By the time we created our headdresses we all had three feathers for our great decisions. My kids had been working hard all week creating their own Native American names. Here are a few of our tribe's names:

Little Gopher decided later in the day that he had earned the 
upgrade and changed his name to Big Gopher ha!

We had tons of fun with our headdresses, here were a few of my favorite moments. 
Before teaching our lesson, I had pulled my hair into pig tails and put on my headdress,
 my precious little MM immediately pulled her hair into pig tails and then asked if we could 
get a picture because we were twins!

SJ's game on the playground:
(yes, we wore our headdresses everywhere, even recess) 
Guys! Let's chase after all of the non-head dressed people! This lead to a game 
of Native Americans vs. Pilgrims. 

Well, we are off to learn about the Mayflower next week, wish us luck as we sail away!
~Miss Anderson 

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