Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

After Thanksgiving break my class came back already ready for Christmas. On Monday they were talking about their elves on the shelves and I told them that we couldn't talk about Christmas until December 1st! Please don't think I was squelching their dreams I just needed to make sure that we stayed on task until Dibels testing was over. Dibels came and went, and on Thursday like promised Christmas came to our classroom! We played Christmas music during work time and I displayed all of my Christmas books and even previewed a few. I impressed my little ones with my memorization of Twas the Night Before Christmas. (Thanks 10th grade English)

We created cute reindeer this week and were able to give each little reindeer a shiny, glittery red nose. It is amazing how fascinated kids are with glitter. I think they could have watched me pour glitter on those noses for hours! 

The month of December we are taking a break from SF and so I was able to allow my top groups to read Amelia Bedila. It was quite funny to see how they comprehended the book and hysterical to watch them bend over laughing at her literal interpretation of things. Their favorite was when she "dressed the turkey!" 

I rearranged my room on Friday and meant to take pictures but forgot, so come back early next week to see the changes. I didn't want a desk anymore so I am going to use my small group table as my 'desk.' I pushed the clunky desk across the room and turned it around. I brought out the magnet word strips and I am going to use it as a sentence making station! 

I was able to talk about the Lord with my kids which excited me. I was telling them that I understood why we celebrated Thanksgiving because of the Pilgrims and Native Americans, but why did we celebrate Christmas. I was blessed to have some hands pop up. One little boy said that it was because it was Jesus' birthday. So I dug a little deeper and asked "Who is Jesus?" Another little boy told us that he was the Son of God. I told them how proud I was that they knew and we moved on to review long a. I love seeing what they know and getting to share some encouraging words with some of my friends that are just now learning about our Savior. 

A funny story happened last week. The word pray came up when we were learning about how ay also makes the long a sound. So I asked what is prayer. A little girl told us it is where you talk to God. Then the little boy who told us why we celebrate Christmas raised his hand. TM said "Guess what? I go to Sunday School and I even know who the first person was!" Me: "Really" TM: "Yea, Adam, well and then Eve, but he was first!" 

~Miss Anderson 

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