Thursday, August 9, 2012

They've got that joy, joy, joy, joy...PI pt.1

So I was thinking...about all the joy I saw while I was in the Philippines. We were blessed with the opportunity to do many things while we were in Cainta: feedings, construction, painting a nursery, and teaching were just a few.

The feedings were a humbling experience. As soon as we got off the plane and to the center a small group of us went on our first feeding. K.I.M provides 2 feedings a day, 5 days a week, that serves 7 communities.
Dad and I carrying the meal to the community. 

The cooks at the center would cook this soup mixture that was full of rice, vegetables, & dehydrated meat. 1/2 a cup would provide the children with 11 grams of protein! We would drive to the community and then carry the meal in, while yelling 'feeding' the whole way. Children with bowls, mugs, tupperware, & plastic bags would come running to get their meal, smiling, wanting to take pictures & see themselves, & asking about us & where we were from. It was an eye-opening experience seeing their homes and living conditions. 
However, I never saw a child's face without a smile on it. They were always so excited to see us, that it was heart-wrenching when we would get to the end of the tubs of food, knowing that there would sometimes not be enough. Their bellies were full & my heart was touched by their smile. 

The 2009 tsunami hit communities in Manila and the government moved one of them to an area now known as tent city. The 1st Monday we were in PI we took the hour drive out to provide a feeding and receive more blessings from these people. This was by far the feeding where I saw the most people from the start.
 Waiting in line, to the left a few of our team members were treating 
some sick children & mothers
Z & our new CA friends dipping out the meal

We met some great people here and were able to sing 'Jesus Loves Me' and share some of the gospel. Another friend from CA and I were able to go into one of the homes, which was the size of my room at home. There was a small loft area where the 6 family members all slept, but they were able to share with us about their life and how they knew the Lord was with them. Their joy in the midst of what we would consider very, very little was incredible. 

Skyler and I helped this little girl take her                                                    Enjoying a hot meal 
meal to her home with her little sister
Holding a sweet little friend from the cutest family of siblings Maddie and I met 

Though they have little, they have joy. Joy that is prominent over there in the midst of little & eaisier to see than it is here in the land of the plenty. I hope we are all reminded of the many joys the Lord has given us and be thankful, I know it has changed my heart. 

"Joy is not in things; it is in us."

Richard Wagner

Check back in for the next parts of my trip. 

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing these pictures & hearing more about all God did while yall were in the Philippines.
