Friday, February 1, 2013

Five for Friday 2.1


Happy Friday and February! Thanks for stopping by to check in on our week!

I apologize for not that many pictures, I'm going back to school in the morning and will add a few snapshots in the morning!

1. I was out again this Monday attending an my third and last AMSTI workshop. I love being a continuous learner, but I have to admit that I was thrilled that this was our last meeting and that I wouldn't be taken out of my classroom any more this year.

2.ARGH, it's a PIRATES life for these All-StARs!
This week we learned about the 'ar' and we became PIRATES in room A9. We wrote stories using the prompt: 
Once there was a pirate....
My kids did a great job writing these stories. 2 of my boys even started adding years in their stories and made their stories rhyme. 
"There once was a pirate who found a car and came from a far in 1964," : )

3. Today one of my firsties raised her hand to point something out to me. 
"Miss A, do you know you have a big blue spot on your arm?" 
Well no, I didn't, but after that I checked and what do you know a large blue spot was on my arm right below the elbow. Sadly, I don't even remember where I had a blue marker today. #teacherproblems

4. We made these fun groundhog books this year. Last year I found them somewhere in blogland and added it to my February notebook of ideas. We wrote about what our burrow would look like, true hibernators, and some fun facts about groundhogs. This year my kiddos LOVED talking about Punxsutawney Phil and are excited about seeing if Phil will see his shadow or not in the morning. 

5.  Next week we are learning about penguins, so I am off to blogland to find some more  fun activities. Today I finished getting our February literacy centers ready for Monday. I am loving using these centers, my kids get so excited when I introduce a new month's calendar. Thanks to Sarah for the idea!


  1. I see by the sight word "friend" that you are a fellow Reading Street teacher. You are on the same unit and week that we are. I am your newest follower (by email).

  2. Oh my goodness I adore your groundhog books!! They are so cute! What a great idea! I am so glad I found your blog from Kacey's linky. Thanks for sharing your week. I am your newest follower.
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  3. Rachel-
    We are a Reading Street school as well. We were also working on AR this week. It is always a fun week because the firsties are all reading like pirates. Cracks me up! I am excited to look through your blog for some more ideas! I have tried to post the Reading Street stuff that we do: this one I try to upload everything by unit under "teacher resources"

