Friday, April 5, 2013

Five for Friday 4.1

Happy Friday and Happy April!

Can you believe that we only have 33 days left of school?? It is crazy how the time flies!

I'm happy to be back from a restful Spring Break linking up with Kacey from

1. Last week, I took the week off to truly focus on relaxing during Spring Break. My mom and I did visit the teacher store but it was a blast and I was able to pick some things up for our time unit and some great books so we can start our author series.
 2. I was home for Easter and it was a great day to celebrate our RISEN SAVIOR and spend time with family. Here is the brother and me. We were missing the sister and bro-in-law but happy they got to celebrate with their church in ATL.

3.We finished up our flower unit with a fun craftivity, that I am sure I found on Pinterest at some point last year. It is a great labeling activity. We used cupcake liners for the petals, pipe cleaners, sunflower seeds and then colored the rest.
 4. We started our time unit this week and fell in love with this HUMAN CLOCK! All I had to do was draw up some numbers and the kids did all the rest. By the end of the week, they were begging to play and could even set up the game without my help. I gave them 'time cards' (which were just index cards) and had them write down at least 5 times using phrasing like 'half past 4:00 and 2 o'clock" and then they got to create their time. Their hands were the hour hand and their legs were the minute hands! Even though it's not a first grade standard, by the end of the week we were making time to the 5 and 15 minute marks.

5. My week has been non-stop this week because last week I started my Masters program! I have spent most of my free time reading these fun books. Who knew going back to school would be so hard! Happy Friday!


  1. Oh my goodness I would have a field day in that teacher store!

    The human clock is such a fun idea! The children must have loved it!


  2. Your project looks so cute! We do the clock too- but I just draw it on the floor with chalk. The kids think that is so scandalous! It cracks me up. So glad I found your cute blog through the Five for Friday linky! I am your newest follower.

  3. I love your human clock! Good luck with your Masters program. You will be so happy when you are finally done! Good luck:)
    My First Love

  4. Love the human clock idea! We are learning about time too, so I will have to try that when we get back.

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  5. I'm so glad I found you through 5 for Friday! Good luck on your masters...I'm jealous!
    Owl Things First

  6. What a wonderful family photo! Love it. :) I really like your human clock idea. Perfect for my active learners.

    The Brown-Bag Teacher
