Sunday, April 21, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted!

I found Mrs. Reed's great linky through a fellow blogger and knew I wanted to join this fun adventure. Today's topic is:
Topic: My Classroom
We spend so much time in our classrooms.  It can be like a second home.  We will get acquainted today by sharing three(3) of our favorite areas in our classrooms.
1. I love books! My book center is under my reading loft and this year it grew to another shelf on the side. I think it is pretty substantial for only two years or teaching. I started my collection my senior year of undergrad. I ventured and searched out every thrift store I drove by and stocked up on as many good, quality, books. I also reorganized them into book tubs at the beginning of the year. My book tub labels are in my TPT shop if you want to grab them!

2. I have quite the HOLLYWOOD theme going on in my classroom and it correlates with my behavior chart. I used the very popular Pinterest model of moving up and down a behavior chart. I love this part of my room because it has really challenged my kids to understand that we all can make mistakes but it is how we overcome them that really matters. Also, who doesn't want to make it to "Oscar worthy" performance. I borrowed the idea from Cara and made my own!
3. My word wall and student work board are some of my favorite sights to see during the day. I find that every time I look at it I see the growth my students are making. I have to give credit to the "Produced by" side to my sister who helped me with my theme. My word wall of fame grows throughout the year, although I have to admit that I did a more consistent job adding words last year. If you are a new follower and don't know, this has been a really tough year for me, but I can make it! 

Can't wait to see what next Sunday's topic will be!
~Rachel (Miss A)


  1. I love your behavior chart. I have similar one in my classroom, but I love how you have it Hollywood-themed.

    MrsMc from Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

  2. Reading LOFT? Super jealous!! I really need to work on my school library, but my kids aren't very good at returning them so I keep putting that off. Your classroom looks super cute!

    I'm follower #50!
    The 4th Grade Journey
