Saturday, December 31, 2011

Awaiting the New Year

So I was thinking...that this new year is going to bring fun times ahead.  I am also excited about 2012 because:
1. I get to spread the word of the Lord in the Philippines this summer for two weeks!
2. I hear the second half of the year is the best time for teaching!
3. Two of my best friends are getting married this summer!
Follow Cat's journey at Southern Sweetness.  
But before the New Year commences and my Auburn Tigers play the Virginia Cavaliers I thought I would remember the past couple of weeks. I apologize that my blogging has been sporadic but, December is a very hectic time in a teacher's life. So here is a life review and teaching review. 
I don't know what I would have done without Cara from The First Grade Parade this year. She has shared so many amazing ideas that have brought smiles to my kids faces. We made some 3D snowmen for our parent's Christmas gifts. Here are our snowmen before we added scarves and hats. We also wrote across the top "There's Snow Place Like Home."
We wrote about what would happen if Santa got stuck in the chimney and also What would make a Grinch smile. My favorite Santa chimney said that If Santa got stuck he would try to jump on his feet and then he would call the plumbers! We also made these cute reindeer books!
We then had a Christmas Craft rotations where we made: Rudolph the candy cane reindeer, handy Santa ornaments, and elf-sized snow globes. 
And who can not read The Polar Express during December! It's one of my favorites!

I then got to go home for the holidays and celebrate with my family!
We started Christmas with a great church service and were reminded the reason we were celebrating. 
Then we came home to exchange some gifts.
We surprised my mom with a nativity that she wanted and I made my dad this Auburn fight song canvas. 
Then my mom surprised my sister and I with 
a trip to NEW YORK to see NEWSIES on BROADWAY!
She wrapped up newspapers for the gift since tickets haven't gone on sale yet. 
(It took us a few guesses to figure it out, but it was a cute idea)

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and celebrated your blessings with family!

1 comment:

  1. I was a great Christmas!! New blog header?? Looks great!
