Tuesday, January 17, 2012

17 Reasons to love First Grade!

So my first year of teaching is half way through and as they always say
"Time flies when you're having fun!"
So the plan was that I was going to do 15 things to love about 1st grade; however, I helped out with a teenage girls retreat for my church this weekend and missed out on blogging on the 15th, so...
In honor of the 17th, here are 17 reasons to love first grade!

1. Smiling faces greet you every morning!
2. Being told "I love you" many times a day!
3. Teaching kids to believe in themselves!
4. Watching children learn skills needed for the rest of their lives!
5. Laughing at kid's jokes!
6. Creating smiles!
7. Acting crazy and silly, while getting paid!
8. Reading my favorite children's books!
9. Having pajama days!
10. Being complimented on my drawing and singing(not great at either!)
11. Seeing children start out blending and end up reading books!
12. Spreading the Word in as many ways as I can!
13. The innocence of children 
14. Listening to their crazy stories! (kids don't have filters)
15. Having a party for most holidays!
16. Getting to eat cupcakes for birthdays!
17. Never having the same day twice! 
It's been a great year so far, I can not wait to see what the Lord has in store for  me next!

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